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Dates for the 2025 funding rounds can be found below.

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The Racing Foundation operates a structured three-stage application process, three times a year. We do not, under any circumstances, make grants in response to applications received in the form of general appeals or mail shots. Please also note that our Trustees will not accept personal approaches in support of an application.

To maintain the real value of our endowment, thus enabling us to deliver a long-term legacy for the sport of horseracing, the annual budget we allocate to grant-making activity is linked to the financial return we receive on our investments. 

First stage of the application process to be completed online via a short, standard form that requests basic applicant information and most recent audited accounts. It will also require a brief, project overview to be uploaded. This should be attached as a Word document and be no more than 2 pages long.

It should address the following:

  • What you would like the Racing Foundation to fund.
  • How you know there is a need for this work.
  • What difference the work will make and who will benefit from it.
  • Does the proposed activity offer a response to emerging industry issues and is it aligned with relevant industry strategies or other work in this area? We may request endorsement from relevant industry organisations at second stage.
  • Total project cost, confirmation of match-funding commitment and amount requested from the Racing Foundation.

At this stage, we are seeking to understand the concept of your proposal and to assess eligibility.

If you have applied before and understand how the process works, please use the Apply Now link to start your application. Otherwise please read all the information below.

If successful at first stage, applicants will be required to re-register with a new request and complete a more detailed online second stage form. This will include specific questions to be answered; a detailed budget breakdown of costs and the uploading of supporting documents. A link to the second stage online form will be emailed to eligible applicants for completion by a set date.

For small grant applications (less than £30,000) applicants will be contacted by the Racing Foundation’s Grants Manager to discuss the project further and identify additional information that might be required. Applicants will then be able to submit a revised version of their initial proposal instead of completing all sections of the form.

For requests over £30,000 applicants will be contacted by the Racing Foundation’s Grants Manager to arrange a meeting or conference call to discuss the project further, assist with completion of the form and provide guidance on what the Racing Foundation’s Trustees are likely to consider when discussing grant awards.

A printable list of the questions asked by the online application will be available on the Registration/Log-in page when you start your application.

The Small Grants Committee meets to discuss small grant applications and agree awards, three times a year.

All other open grants are discussed by Racing Foundation Trustees at their quarterly Board Meetings where awards are agreed. Any Trustees with a conflict of interest based on applicants or specific projects, are unable to vote on these requests.

All applicants will be contacted within 2 weeks of the meeting to be advised of the outcome.
To see what aspects the Foundation’s Trustees will focus on when considering grant applications, please click here to see our Guidance Notes.

For the Small Grants and Open Grants Programmes, the Racing Foundation accepts and considers applications for funding three times a year. Grant applications must be received before the stated deadlines, otherwise the application will be carried forward to the next funding round. For information on deadlines for the next funding rounds please see below.

Please note that the Foundation is unable to enter into any correspondence with charities seeking to appeal against a decision to reject a funding application.

The dates for the 2025 funding rounds are as follows:

Funding Round Deadline for submitting first stage application Deadline for submitting second stage application Trustees meet to consider applications
1st round, 2025 Friday, 24th January Friday, 7th March Tuesday, 8th April
2nd round, 2025 Friday, 25th April Friday, 6th June Thursday, 31st July
3rd round, 2025 Friday, 22nd August Friday, 3rd October Wednesday, 3rd December

An applicant’s governance structure, staff development policies and alignment with industry strategies may be considered as part of the assessment process.

An applicant may be asked to provide a business plan and fundraising strategy – both for the project for which they are seeking funding and also for the charity as a whole.

We prefer to support projects that will involve, or lead to, collaboration with other industry stakeholders; that are aligned with industry strategies (where appropriate); that will help build understanding and that have the potential to achieve a substantial impact. Please refer to the Racing Foundation’s 2024 Strategy document.

The Racing Foundation reserves the right to conduct an independent evaluation of projects, at any stage, to assess progress and outcomes. Any concerns regarding performance of a project may result in partial repayment of a grant and/or multi-year pledges being deferred or withdrawn.

Apply Now

If you are satisfied your project is eligible for funding based on the Racing Foundation's grant-making criteria you can start your online, first stage application using the link below. Before starting your application we request that you read our Privacy & Data Protection Policy and our Guidance Notes. By submitting your application you are confirming that you have read both.

  • Confirm you have read the Grant Applications External Privacy Notice.

    To process and manage a grant application, the Racing Foundation will require the name, email address and work telephone number of a representative of each charity to act as a main point of contact. We have produced a External Privacy Notice for grant applications that outlines how this personal data will be stored and used. Before registering your application or supplying any personal details you will be asked to read this External Privacy Notice and agree to its terms. To see a full copy of the Grant Applications External Privacy Notice please click on the link above.

  • Confirm you have read the guidance notes.

    Before submitting an application please read our guidance notes by using the link above.

Apply NowApply now

Still have questions about your application?

If you have any questions or are still unsure about your application then please contact our Grants Manager for advice on your application using the form below